Tuesday, October 16, 2018

We all have responsabilty to make democracy better !

In October 12, 2018, Adam B. Schiff, a member of House Intelligence Committed published an article in Washington Post about “How a democratic house will check this erratic president.” The author presented his opinion about the present Executive administration and how the Congress is handling the issues.  
In my opinion, the US has never been perfect but trying to make this nation a better place to live with its strong Constitution in place. Every past government has their reputation stained at some point. I’m not supporting all the current administration policies, but we should recognize some of the progress such as decline of unemployment rate. Every administration has their high and low time. I think everyone of us has a responsibility of making the democracy better, because it is a democratic nation which rely on the contribution of all citizens. The government of US don’t have the ability to take care of every single problem that arise in the world. How this “erratic president” is getting his way then? What happens to the system of checks and balances? The responsibility is on both Republican and Democratic parties. One important thing to consider is what citizens are looking when assessing their political opponents’ values and performances. In one side, Republicans criticizing Democrats of being too liberal, immoral, or lazy, in the other side, Democrats accusing Republicans of being too closed-minded. Who is wright or who is wrong? It all depends of which side you are of.  Maybe it is time for a strong third party in US. Adam Schiff opinion’s is surely a democratic partisanship point of views.

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